Maternity Abroad: Proofreading Stage and What’s Next

I can hardly believe I’m writing this, but Maternity Abroad is officially in the proofreading stage! Cue the confetti, the celebratory dances, and all the happy tears because this moment has been such a long time coming.

If you’ve been following my journey, you know that this book is more than just a collection of words on paper. It’s my heart, my passion, and a reflection of the countless stories of brave, resilient women who have navigated the rollercoaster of pregnancy and motherhood far from home. To see it finally reaching this stage is surreal. And yes, I’m totally over the moon about it!

Why Maternity Abroad ?

The idea for Maternity Abroad was born out of my own experiences and those of so many amazing women I’ve met along the way. Living in a foreign country is an adventure, but when you add pregnancy, childbirth, and motherhood into the mix—it’s a whole new level of challenge and excitement!

This book was written to tell these stories and serve as a guide for other women in similar situations. It’s meant to say, "Hey, I get it. This is tough, but you’re not alone." Seeing this vision come to life is one of the most rewarding experiences of my life.

Proofreading: The Final Touch

So, what does it mean that Maternity Abroad is being proofread? It means the book is getting its final polish. Every word, comma, and detail is being checked to ensure everything is just right. It’s like giving the book one last hug before sending it out into the world!

After months of writing, editing, and rewriting, proofreading is the last step to make sure everything is perfect. The goal is to ensure that when you pick up Maternity Abroad, you experience it exactly as I intended—clear, engaging, and free of distractions.

What You Can Expect

As I eagerly await the final proof, I’m bursting with excitement about what’s inside these pages. Here’s a sneak peek of what you can expect when Maternity Abroad finally lands in your hands:

  • Real Stories: Narratives from women across the globe who have experienced maternity abroad firsthand. These stories are raw, honest, and incredibly inspiring.

  • Practical Tips: Whether it’s navigating a new healthcare system or finding a community in a foreign land, this book is packed with practical advice that I wish I had when I was going through it.

  • Cultural Insights: Explore how different cultures approach pregnancy and motherhood. You’ll be fascinated by the variety of practices and beliefs around the world.

  • Emotional Support: Maternity Abroad is a love letter to all the mothers out there doing their best in unfamiliar territory. It’s a reminder that you’re strong, capable, and absolutely amazing.

What’s Next?

With proofreading underway, the next steps involve preparing for publication. Soon, Maternity Abroad will be available in both print and digital formats, ready to reach readers everywhere. I can’t wait for you to read it and share your thoughts!

This entire process has been a labor of love, and seeing it come to fruition fills me with joy. I’m grateful to each and every one of you who has supported me on this journey. Your encouragement has meant the world to me.

Stay Tuned!

As we get closer to the release, I’ll be sharing more updates and behind-the-scenes moments. So stay tuned, and if you’re not already, make sure to follow along for all the latest news.

In the meantime, thank you from the bottom of my heart for being part of this incredible journey with me. I couldn’t have done it without you, and I can’t wait to share Maternity Abroad with the world!


Jessica Gabrielzyk

As a Brazilian author specializing in expat life, I’ve written Maternity Abroad,” “Parenting Abroad,” and Moving Abroad to help families navigate the challenges of relocating internationally. My goal is to empower others to embrace their new adventures with confidence and ease.


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