Jessica Gabrielzyk

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Books: The Loyal Friends We All Need

Scrolling through Instagram, I stumbled upon a quote from Ernest Hemingway shared by Penguin UK Books: “There is no friend as loyal as a book.” Instantly, I felt a wave of agreement wash over me, much like the many “absolutely agree” and “so true” comments flooding the post.

One comment by @emmamackennedy5 really hit home: “I absolutely love this quotation and I remind myself of it often. A book is something you can really connect with and feel absorbed in, and when you find a book that is a great match for you, reading is a lovely experience. Being able to enjoy this type of escapism is a real luxury.” Emma nailed it—books are more than just stories; they are loyal companions that offer a magical escape.

Not everyone shared the sentiment, though. @logopholiclady wrote, “That sounds kind of sad 😅, I don’t agree but because I’ve been betrayed by books before. Those that give misleading blurbs.” It’s a valid point—there’s nothing worse than diving into a book with high expectations, only to feel let down by a misleading summary.

As I work on my upcoming books, “Maternity Abroad,” “Parenting Abroad,” and “Moving Abroad,” these comments remind me of the importance of creating books that feel like loyal friends. Although they aren’t romance novels or magical fantasy worlds, I strive to make them fun, easy-to-follow guides using the Murakami method of clear, simple writing. Hopefully, these books will not only guide you but also help you fall in love with the new magical worlds you might step into.

Why Books Make the Best Friends

Books are always there for us, ready to provide comfort and a little escape when we need it most. Whether you’re curled up with a novel or delving into a non-fiction guide, a good book can feel like the friend you didn’t know you needed.

The Joy of Finding “The One”

When you stumble upon a book that resonates with you, it’s pure magic. You get lost in the story, connect deeply with the characters, and come out the other side feeling inspired and refreshed. That’s the kind of experience I hope to deliver with my upcoming books.

Trustworthy Blurbs Matter

First impressions are everything, which is why I’m dedicated to ensuring the blurbs for my books truly reflect what’s inside. Collaborating with Jessie Cunniffe means you can trust that the books you’re picking up will deliver on their promise.


Books offer an unparalleled loyalty and companionship. As I get ready to launch “Maternity Abroad: Exploring the Journey of Becoming a Mother in a Foreign Land,” “Parenting Abroad: Thriving Together in a Foreign Land,” and “Moving Abroad: Empowered Inside and Out in a Foreign Land,” I can’t wait to share these journeys with you. Hopefully, they will guide you and make you fall in love with the new magical worlds abroad you might step into. Stay tuned for more updates, ‘and I hope my books become the loyal friends you’ve been looking for.

Follow my journey and subscribe to my newsletter for exclusive previews and updates on the book launches. Let’s explore the world of expat living together, one page at a time.

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