Jessica Gabrielzyk

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What Do I Know Now That I Wish I Knew Before My First International Move?

Moving abroad for the first time feels a bit like jumping into the deep end of a pool—exciting, nerve-wracking, and a little bit “what did I just get myself into?” Now that I’ve been through the whole shebang, there are a few things I wish I could go back and tell my younger, wide-eyed self. So, if you’re about to make your first international move, or you’re in the middle of it and wondering why no one told you about all the weird and wonderful surprises, this one’s for you.

1. It’s Great to Be Focused, But Don’t Forget to Enjoy the Ride

Listen, I get it. When I first moved, I was all about making things work—getting my life together, finding a job, not looking like a complete tourist. And while that’s all well and good, I realized later that I missed out on some of the fun stuff because I was too busy being responsible. If I could go back, I’d tell myself: Hey, relax a little! Go wander those quirky little streets, get lost (in the fun way), eat all the weird snacks at the local market, and just enjoy the ride. Life’s not a checklist, after all.

2. Things Will Happen—Just Keep Doing Your Thing

Ah, anxiety. My old friend. There were so many times I worried about how everything was going to work out—job, friends, finding the grocery store without using Google Maps for the tenth time that day. But here’s the thing: stuff happens. Sometimes it takes a little longer than you want, but it happens. So my advice? Don’t let anxiety grab the steering wheel. You just keep doing your thing, and let the rest fall into place. Eventually, you’ll look back and wonder why you were so stressed. (But, you know, probably still stress about the next thing, because, hey, habits.)

3. You’re on the Right Path—Stop Overthinking It

If I had a dollar for every time I second-guessed myself after moving abroad, I’d be sipping margaritas on a beach somewhere (while still probably overthinking, let’s be real). Should I have picked this country? Am I doing this expat thing right? Am I missing something? Here’s what I’d tell my past self: You’re on the right path. Chill. You don’t need to have everything figured out right now. Life’s a bit of a winding road, and that’s okay. Just keep moving forward, and trust that you’re where you need to be.

4. You’re Doing Better Than You Think

Here’s a fun fact: you’re probably doing way better than you give yourself credit for. I spent a lot of time worrying that I wasn’t adapting fast enough or achieving enough, but guess what? Just by making the move and navigating life in a new country, you’re already killing it. Give yourself a pat on the back. You’re doing great—even if some days it feels like you’re just keeping your head above water. Those small victories? They count, and they add up to something pretty amazing.

Moving Abroad: Empowered from Inside and Out in a Foreign Land coming Spring 2025!

Final Thoughts

If I could go back and give myself one piece of advice before my first international move, it would be this: Relax, enjoy the journey, and stop stressing so much. Things have a way of working out, even if it doesn’t always feel like it in the moment. So take a deep breath, keep doing your thing, and remember to have some fun along the way. Moving abroad is a wild ride, but it’s also one of the most rewarding experiences you’ll ever have. And who knows? You might just surprise yourself with how well you handle it all—Google Maps mishaps and all.

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